Medium Sized Red Goldendoodle Puppies
Please visit my Puppies page link for reservation list details. Text or call in case the contact form doesn’t go through
Golden Doodle Oasis is located in Manitoba Canada and we are a small family first business. Here our passion is dark red medium goldendoodle puppies. This is a low shedding breed because the poodle introduces the hypoallergenic factor, paired with a Golden Retriever and this results in the low shedding aspect. F1 Goldendoodle puppies should fit into a household with people who have mild allergies. Our f1b option is best suited for allergies because those puppies are 75% poodle.
Our red/apricot medium Moyen Poodle comes into play to provide a more rare and unique dog due to the red/apricot colour and the size (F1's 35-45 pound estimated range offspring) which can better suit some lifestyles. The dog is more adaptable, durable, takes up less living space, and requires moderate exercise. We feel this medium size is the best option as the standard doodle ranges from around 60-80 pounds, and the mini doodle range is smaller. We have one f1b option now with a 30 lb mom and a 30 lb dad, resulting in a smaller size (top end of mini/medium)
They are a non-aggressive breed; it’s believed their friendly nature comes from the Golden Retriever, and their high intelligence from the Poodle. They are great companions for families, and make great service dogs, cheerful, affectionate, lovable, easy going, and trainable. They thrive on reward based training as they are very eager to please their owner. They need to be properly socialized, shouldn't be left alone for long periods of time as they love and thrive around people.
Our 5 dogs live with us and they receive maximum one on one attention. Since we don’t run a large business we have more time for each of them individually. Their health and genetic bloodlines are of paramount important. They also interact well with people and children, and have well balanced personalities. Our parents have all had health testing completed with DNA tests to rule out common breed health issues,. Following responsible breeding practices to produce top quality offspring, so you can have greater peace of mind with a quality doodle.
Our puppies receive quality nutrition, early socialization, and lots of human interaction and cuddles during the important early weeks of their lives. Temperament evaluation happens around 7 weeks and this helps to find a suitable match for their new homes after 8 weeks old. The vet examines and vaccinates them before 8 weeks and then picking/pickup is arranged according to reservation order. Puppy selection is done by each client according to gender spots following the litter spots in order. They are F1 Golden doodle companion puppies and not sold for breeding purposes as indicated on the contract.
We provide:
-A 2 yr health guarantee that covers a few major genetic health problems.
-First immunizations and vet exam/health certificate and deworming.
-Complimentary quality puppy food sample for the transition period.
-Airline shipping across Canada option if the drive to pickup is too far
-Weekly progress updates for those with reserved puppies after they're born.
-Breeder support, we enjoy updates and see them as extended family.
When you are seriously interested contact us to be put on the reservation list.
By appointment we look forward to meeting you and welcome potential customers to meet our dogs.
We are located 45 minutes south of Winnipeg Manitoba on a rural acreage.